Not eating to the point of sluggishness

Why is it always that the first handful of mutton biriyani, the tastiest? Could it be the expectation building up to it or the miriad of smells that keep increasing your hunger exponentially till that point. Whatever the reason, isn’t that feeling heavenly – why can’t we have the same content blissful feeling last the entire meal. Why do we have to spoil the fun by eating to the point of plenty.

I do a great many experiments with myself – the way I eat, how much I eat, when and amount of water I take in and many more. These are mostly for my own fun – sometimes I have been on diet just to see how dieting people would feel. I find the most amazing meals to be the ones that start with a 80-100% hunger and stop at 10% hunger. This may seem counter-inutitive to a lot of us who were grown up with doting mothers who can kill us just by overfeeding. Who eats less than needed. Shouldn’t we eat to the point where we can’t even get up but just lie down and sleep. But it is worth trying this out.

Next time you sit for a meal see if you can get yourself to a good level of hunger, if not just walk around a bit and you will get there 🙂 Then try and eat a bit less say 1% less then what you would eat normally and keep doing the same – the rest as they say – math will take care. Happy experimenting!

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